Life is a series of journeys. Sometimes we are traveling several paths simultaneously, totally unaware of where we are headed. There are darkness and light, happy and sad mixed with utter confusion of what we are doing or where we are headed. We wander around aimlessly without realizing we are building the path towards our future. These are times when life has overwhelmed us and sucked us into circumstances rather than truly living the lives God intended us to live. It is hard to ask God for assistance because it would require us to look at ourselves, and we are not fond of this self-evaluation. God has a mirror, and when we see the reflection of ourselves is not a reflection of Him, it is humbling. One ends up sitting at a computer at 2 a.m., writing on their web page that they have not bothered to open up but a couple of times in the last two years. Maybe it is time. Maybe it is time to live life. Maybe the mirror will be bearable when the gentle reminder of the word GRACE comes into play. God's grace. He seems to continue loving me when I am not feeling particularly lovable. Thank you for keeping me safe on the journey. God, you seem to guide me even when I am not looking.